Monday, December 1, 2008

Wiki What?

Wiki is completely new for me never heard of it. I see why learn & play is so important. I can see this being a possible question on Who Wants to be a Millionare. I will have to do more research on this to see exactly how this can work for the library.

Library of the Future

Library 2.0 and web 2.0 are very interesting. I saw a movie with Will Smith of course aliens were involed (sorry the title escapes me) and there was a statement where libraries were used in past tense. I think the statement was "When we use to have libraries." I honestly see libraries becoming more of a technical avenue for people. I think everyone that visits the library uses the computer each time they visit.
I find this interesting, will books as we know them become extinct? With everything becoming digital I wouldn't be surprised if when I become older we see a real change.


I forgot to blog about this site, I thought it was okay I may use it if I need it. I am used to the old bookmarking. I stay on the web so much that I hardly bookmark. It was good to learn about this just in case.


I tried this service on CML's website last spring and it was pretty cool. I knew I would like it because I love the web and like things that are easy to access. I haven't had the time I would like to try this again. Being that I work with books all day at the library, I do not read as often as I used to or would like to and this avails me to be able to do so. I will definately try this in the near future.


I did twitter for the first time today, it was okay. I first heard of this on CNN while the election was in progress we have a pretty technical savvy presidential elect in the White house. I have a friend that does this too but I never joined her. I may twitt her later today.